Nous déroulons le tapis rouge pour la Journée mondiale du rein – VIDÉO MAINTENANT EN LIGNE
Cancer du rein Canada a présenté l’avant-première du film THE ROBOT le jeudi 11 mars à la Journée mondiale du rein (présentation en anglais).
THE ROBOT met en vedette Dr Stephen Pautler qui démystifie la chirurgie assistée par robot et répond aux questions les plus fréquemment posées. Le montage vidéo du film sera ajouté à notre Vidéothèque du savoir sur le cancer du rein.
Dr Stephen Pautler se joint à nous à la Journée mondiale du rein en compagnie de Deborah Grant, survivante du cancer du rein. Madame Grant est l’une des patientes du Dr Pautler et partagera sa perspective en tant que patiente ayant subi une chirurgie assistée par robot.
À noter : La 2e vague de la pandémie a malheureusement retardé le tournage des vidéos en français. Nous espérons répéter cette expérience en français très bientôt.
Dr. Stephen Pautler attended the University of Waterloo and completed a Honours, Co-operative Chemistry degree. Dr. Pautler graduated from the University of Calgary medical school in 1995 and subsequently completed the urology residency at The University of Western Ontario (Western). He became a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in 2000. Dr. Pautler spent two years at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland performing both clinical and basic science research in minimally invasive interventions for urologic cancers, before joining the staff at St. Joseph’s Hospital (St. Joseph’s Health Care, London) as an Assistant Professor with the Department of Surgery at Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western in July 2002. Dr. Pautler was cross-appointed to the Department of Oncology in 2005. He has co-authored more than 130 peer-reviewed articles, several chapters and has presented at numerous international urology meetings. His current interests include surgical robotics and urologic laparoscopy with the application of minimally-invasive surgical techniques and image-guided ablative procedures for urologic cancers. He is a Canadian expert in hereditary kidney cancer syndromes and is a member of the Kidney Cancer Research Network of Canada. Dr. Pautler has been one of the pioneers in surgical robotics in Canada and has a large experience with prostate and kidney surgery performed robotically. Dr. Pautler is the Southwest Regional Surgical Oncology Lead for CCO/Ontario Health, as well as the Provincial Lead for Urology, Access to Care/Ontario health. He has been the Director of the Endourology fellowship program and he participates in the Society of Urologic Oncology fellowship program at Western.
Research and interests / Specialization
Research interests include:
- Surgical robotics and urologic laparoscopy with the application of minimally-invasive surgical techniques
- Image-guided ablative procedures for urologic cancers
These research topics have encompassed big data analysis and surgical innovation work in collaboration with several groups at Western.