

Webinaire: S’orienter lors d’un diagnostic de cancer du rein au Canada – VIDÉO MAINTENANT EN LIGNE

Conseils d’un uro-oncologue et d’une défenseure des droits des patients


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Lorsque vous recevez un diagnostic de cancer du rein et tout au long de votre parcours de soins, vous devrez discuter et prendre des décisions quant à vos options de traitement. Cela peut être accablant pour vous et votre aidant.

Le Dr Michael Leveridge, uro-oncologue, et Deb Maskens, défenseure des droits des patients, vous aideront à vous orienter lors d’un diagnostic de cancer du rein et vous parleront des essais cliniques, de la recherche d’un deuxième avis et vous donneront des conseils pour participer activement à vos soins afin de déterminer ce qui vous convient le mieux.



Dr. Leveridge is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Urology and Oncology, and is the residency program director for the urology training program. He completed his medical degree at the University of Toronto, followed by Urology residency at Queen’s University. Dr. Leveridge’s fellowship in Urologic Oncology was completed at Princess Margaret Hospital and the University of Toronto.  His clinical focus is urologic oncology in addition to a general urology practice. Research interests include the use and value of social media in urology as well as population-level research in bladder cancer and testicular cancer outcomes. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Urological Association Journal and VP (Communications) with the Canadian Urological Association



Deborah Maskens, is a kidney cancer patient and patient advocate. Along with another patient, she Co-Founded Kidney Cancer Canada in 2006 and played an active leadership role for 10 years. During this time she focused on advocacy, health technology assessment, patient support and navigation.

Most recently, Deb served as a Patient Advocate on the NCI Renal Task Force and as Co-Lead of the CanCertainty Coalition campaign of 35 cancer organizations advocating for health policy change (CanCertainty.ca). Previous roles include 10 years as a Founding Member and Vice Chair of the International Kidney Cancer Coalition (IKCC).

In 2016, Deb was awarded the Canadian Governor General’s Meritorious Service Medal, Canada’s highest award for her dedication and professionalism in patient advocacy and volunteer service.

Deb is a frequent speaker at national and international cancer meetings where she provides the patient voice perspective, along with sound advocacy knowledge and experience.


Kidney Cancer Canada